Answers to frequently asked questions.
Publish and share content
- A basket is untraceable
- Stop receiving basket email notifications
- Sharing a video link does not work
- The basket gallery only displays the first 20 items
- Unable to delete a basket
- Impossible to change the item status from a basket
Search and consultation
How do I import media ?
- A folder from the folder tree is not visible from the upload wall or a basket
- No thumbnails on the new image type items
- No preview on new video type items
- Message "The file type is not supported"
- A message "Your storage space is full" is displayed when you try to upload
- The duplicate detection icon is not displayed
Element indexing
How do I manage my filing plan ?
How do you set up your database ?
- No alphabetical order in a drop down list
- Email(s) non reception
- Items missing from search results
- Deactivate indexing of document content
- How to rebuild an index?
- How to change the displayed terms of use when downloading items?