Inconsistant search results
An item appears in the search results. However, the searched term does not appear in the item fields nor in its folder.
If the application is hosted on the Keepeek Cloud Platform, please get in touch with our support service, specifying the term(s) you used in your search and the concerned items.
If the application is hosted on your own servers, please get in touch with your IT department so they can follow the steps below. Beware! this process may cause slow performance on the application and it is preferable to launch it at the end of the day, to avoid inconveniencing users.
Log in with a technical administrator account.
Click on Settings, then on Search, and select the Indexing tab.
- In the Item indexing section, click on Rebuild the index and on Confirm. The operation may last several minutes.
- Refresh this page after a few minutes, to check whether the operation is over.
Launch the search with the keyword cited before. If the items which were problematic are still displayed in the search results, please get in touch with our support service specifying the concerned term(s) and items.