Searching for items by text
1. Hover over the search menu and click Text search.
2. Enter the terms of your choice in the search field. The search operators will give you more relevant results. You can separate search terms with the operators :
- AND: to find items indexed by both terms.
- OR: to find items indexed by at least one of the two terms.
- NOT: to narrow down the items indexed by the first term without counting those also indexed by the second term.
3. Click on the search button or press Enter.
To narrow down the results, you can use the various filters above the results:
- status
- type
- labels
- refine
- more options.
Once you have opened the item details, the search term(s) are highlighted on the page to make it easier to view. Please note that the term is not highlighted in the content of the documents.
Text search with filters (Status, Type, Label, Refine) is also available in Baskets and Workflows.