How do I search with multiple criteria ?
You can add multiple f=...
parameters to the request to search for elements with multiple criteria. The results will match all conditions (this is a "AND" search).
For example, the request
GET /api/dam/search/media?f=title:lighthouse*&f=author:"John Smith"
will search for media whose title contains a work that starts with lighthouse AND from author "John Smith"
It is currently not possible to make an "OR" search between two different fields. You have to use two different requests.
It is also possible to search for different values of a same field by adding multiple f=field:...
parameters to the request. The results will match any condition (this is a "OR" search).
For example the request :
GET /api/dam/search/media?f=title:lighthouse*&f=author:"John Smith"&f=author:"Peter Doe"
will search for media whose title is starting with lighthouse AND from author "John Smith" OR from author "Peter Doe".