Deactivate indexing of document content
You wish to deactivate the indexing of the document content, following their upload in Keepeek, but you are unsure how to proceed.
By default, the first 8000 characters of each document are indexed in the search engine. However, the setting can be modified.
If your application is hosted on the Keepeek Cloud platform and you wish not to have the document content index, please get in tocuh with the support service.
If your application is hosted on your own servers or a third party host, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to the back office with a technical administration account.
- Click on Settings, then on Customization, the Technical properties tab and search for the "DEACTIVATE_DOCUMENT_INDEXATION" key in the field.
- Type the value: "TRUE" and click on the Save button.
Caution! This change will apply to the new document items uploaded in Keepeek and not the document items already indexed.