How to rebuild an index?
Once indexing behaviour has been modified for specific fields, you wish to launch complete reindexing but you are not sure how to proceed.
If your solution is hosted on the Keepeek Cloud platform and you wish to complete a full reindexing of your items, please ask for it by email to our support service
If your solution is hosted on your own servers, please get in touch with your IT department so they can follow the steps bellow. Beware! This treatment may cause slow application performance and it is advised to launch it at the end of the day, to avoid user inconvenience.
Log in with a tech admin account.
Click on Settings, then on Search, and select Indexing.
- In the Item indexing section, click on Rebuild the index. This treatment may last several minutes depending on the number of fields available in the item sheets.
Refresh this page after a few minutes, to check if the treatment is complete.